Exhibition: Tangled Roots
7-12 August 2023
Ponsonby Central

A group show with fellow Auckland artists Anita Madhav and Amrit Kaur in Ponsonby Central.

Myself alongside my two beautiful art friends are putting together this show of our work in Auckland’s Ponsonby Central in August! Come to Ponsonby, grab yourself a coffee or meal in Ponsonby central and check us out while you’re there. 

We’ll have a large selection of artwork for sale, featuring a wall of mini works and prints.

Anita and I will be painting/carving there each day so you can see how we work and ask any questions. I’d love to do some small workshops – please email me to enquire as I can  fit about 4-6 people around a table in the space.


Monday 8th, Tuesday 9th and Weds 10th August

10am – 12pm @ Ponsonby Central (6 SPACES AVAILABLE PER DAY)

BOOK HERE: www.eventbrite.co.nz/e/tangled-roots-paint-carving-workshop-tickets-679004309167?aff=oddtdtcreator

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